Yu-Ju Tsai (蔡侑儒)

Ph.D. Student
Supervisor: Prof. Ming-Hsuan Yang
Vision and Learning Lab, University of California, Merced
Email: louis19950117@gmail.com
CV / Google Scholar / Github / Linkedin
Status: I will start my 2024 summer internship at Adobe Research!



  • [2024/05] Start my Internship at Adobe Research Team!
  • [2024/02] One paper accepted to CVPR 2024!
  • [2024/01] One paper accepted to ICLR 2024!
  • [2023/05] Start my Internship at Amazon CoRo Team!
  • [2022/09] One paper accepted to BMVC 2022!
  • [2022/08] Award Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship at University of California, Merced.
  • [2022/08] Start my Ph.D. study at University of California, Merced.
  • [2019/11] One first-author paper accepted to AAAI 2020!
  • [2019/08] Start my Research Assistant at National Taiwan University, Taiwan.


* Indicate Co-First Author
No More Ambiguity in 360◦ Room Layout via Bi-Layout Estimation
Yu-Ju Tsai, Jin Cheng Jhang, Jingjing Zheng, Wei Wang, Albert Y. C. Chen, Min Sun, Cheng-Hao Kuo, Ming-Hsuan Yang
CVPR 2024
Paper / Source Code / Project page
Effective Adapter for Face Recognition in the Wild
Yunhao Liu, Lu Qi, Yu-Ju Tsai, Xiangtai Li, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Arxiv 2023
Paper / Source Code / Project page
Dual Associated Encoder for Face Restoration
Yu-Ju Tsai, Yu-Lun Liu, Lu Qi, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Ming-Hsuan Yang
ICLR 2024
Paper / Source Code / Project page
SearchTrack: Multiple Object Tracking with Object-Customized Search and Motion-Aware Features
Zhong-Min Tsai, Yu-Ju Tsai, Chien-Yao Wang, Hong-Yuan Liao, Youn-Long Lin,
Yung-Yu Chuang
BMVC 2022
Paper / Project page / Source Code / bibtex
Attention-based View Selection Networks for Light-field Disparity Estimation
Yu-Ju Tsai, Yu-Lun Liu, Ming Ouhyoung, Yung-Yu Chuang
AAAI 2020
(acceptance rate: 20.6%)
PDF / Source Code / Benchmark Ranking / bibtex
Affordable System for Measuring Motion-to-Photon Latency of Virtual Reality in Mobile Devices
Yu-Ju Tsai, Yu-Xiang Wang, Ming Ouhyoung
In ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters (SA '17)
PDF / bibtex
Live Room Merger: A Real-Time Augmented Reality System for Merging Two Room Scenes
Chu-I Chao, Chien-Min Wang, Hsuan-Chi Kuo, Liang-Chi Tseng, Shih-Kai Lin, Yu-Ju Tsai, Ching-Chi Lin, Da-Fang Chang
In Proceedings of the Virtual Reality International Conference - Laval Virtual 2017 (VRIC '17)
PDF / bibtex
ThirdEye: a coaxial feature tracking system for stereoscopic video see-through augmented reality
Yu-Xiang Wang, Yu-Ju Tsai, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Wan-Ling Yang, Tzu-Chieh Yu, Yu-Kai Chiu, and Ming Ouhyoung
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters (SIGGRAPH '16)
PDF / bibtex
A modified wheatstone-style head-mounted display prototype for narrow field-of-view video see-through augmented reality
Pei-Hsuan Tsai, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Yu-Ju Tsai, Hao-Yu Chang, Masatoshi Chang-Ogimoto, and Ming Ouhyoung
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters (SIGGRAPH '16)
PDF / bibtex

Awards & Honors

  • Outstanding Reviewer, The 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2022
  • Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship, University of California, Merced, 2022
  • Honorary Member, The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China, 2019
    Top 3% of the graduated student
  • Excellent Teaching Assistants Awards, Department of CSIE, NTU, 2019
    For the course "Neural Networks" (Fall 2018)
  • Presidential Awards, Department of CSIE, NTU, 2016 – 2017
    Top 5%, 2 times (Fall 2016, Spring 2017)
  • Bronze price in ACM SIGGRAPH Student Research Competition Undergraduate, 2016
    For our work "ThirdEye: a coaxial feature tracking system for stereoscopic video see-through augmentedreality"


Professional Activities

  • Conference Reviewer for ACCV, CVPR
  • Invited Journal Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
  • Student Volunteer for SIGGRAPH Asia 2016, 2017, 2019

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